
sets. The agents were able to utilize their full potential and experiences to build up the company. When the real estate market began to change, it was because we had a diverse agent pool that we were able to say in the real estate market much long...

「OLD ORDER」2019年成立于广东,是致力于传播青年文化,打造拥有“无限 青年 力量”社群属性的街头潮流球鞋品牌。 2021年,OLD ORDER推出首款原创鞋型滑板面包鞋SKATER-001,发售即爆款,创造多个中国潮流球鞋历史第一。2022年,OLD ORDER首家实体店坐落在广州“里原宿”—...

8. As the bar chart shows, the number of has dramatically increased/decreased during the years from to . 如柱状图所示,的数量从年到年年之间急剧增加/减少。 9. From the graph, we know the statistics of and . It can be seen easily that...

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